Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why do "they" make international adoption so difficult?

This is a question we get A LOT. Often, its asked in a tone that alludes to some kind of mysterious conspiracy "they" developed to make sure children remain orphans.

The truth is, most countries want the best for their children. Some countries decide that allowing their children to be adopted by people from another country and culture is acceptable....others are not willing to do that.

Many countries even keep pretty close tabs on children that have been adopted. We will have to write a letter and send photos of our son back to Ethiopia EVERY year until he turns 18.

International adoption is "difficult" (requires much paperwork, parental education, and appropriate controls) because most countries do want their children to be well taken care of.

What could possibly be worse than growing up in an orphanage with no family, you ask. Well, THIS.

Devastating. Not only for this one child, but for many who are in orphanages waiting for families....and families who are waiting for their children.... Russia to U.S. adoptions are now in jeopardy.

This kind of situation is why international adoptions are so "difficult"...."they" are trying to make sure things like this don't happen to children.

It's worth it.

On a random note, check out this fun giveaway on another adoption blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anna and Jon! Thanks for sharing this journey. I heard this story on adoption, specifically in Ethiopia, and wanted to share it with you.

    Megan Lord


...join us as we bring baby "Eli" home from Ethiopia and advocate for the 147 million orphans worldwide...